
Sri Lanka Establishes the Sri Lanka Association of Women Judges

Addressing gender inequality within the justice sector, Sri Lanka has launched the Sri Lanka Association of Women Judges (SLAWJ).

 The association, which is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and various partners, aims to foster gender equality, enhance judicial integrity, and encourage more women to pursue careers in the judiciary.

Supreme Court Judges Kumudini Wickremasinghe and Menaka Jayasudara have been appointed as President and Vice President, respectively, of the new association. Former Supreme Court Judge Shiranee Tilakawardane will serve as the Patron of SLAWJ, bringing with her a wealth of experience and a commitment to advancing women’s rights within the justice system.

Justice Wickremasinghe emphasised that the SLAWJ will strive to encourage more women to pursue careers in the judiciary by challenging societal stigmas and demonstrating that a woman can successfully balance both her professional and personal responsibilities.

SLAWJ's mission is to address systemic gender imbalances within the legal field, ensuring equal representation and opportunities for women. Additionally, the association seeks to build international connections by pursuing affiliation with the International Association of Women Judges, aiming to further the global fight for gender equality and human rights.

Chief Guest of the event, former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Shiranee Tilakawardane stated “Having a network of women judges to support, encourage and mentor each other, to share in the achievements and challenges of being women judges in their judicial systems has proven to play a real role for women judges throughout the years from the kernel of the idea to the present day. Being affiliated to the IAWJ has been transformational, providing opportunities to learn, understand and grasp the importance of substantive equality in law and in life.”

This initiative is expected to provide a platform for women judges to collaborate, share knowledge, and create a more inclusive legal system. It marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s ongoing efforts to enhance judicial diversity and integrity while empowering women in the legal profession.
