
CPC Introduces New Discount Scheme for fuel distributors

The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) has unveiled a new discount scheme for fuel distributors, effective today, which is expected to significantly increase profits for filling stations across the country.

 According to CPC, the scheme will enable small-scale filling stations to earn a net profit of over Rs. 250,000 per month, medium-sized stations to earn over Rs. 1 million, and high-sales stations to achieve nearly Rs. 2 million, after covering taxes, wages, and other operational expenses.

The Corporation stated that the new scheme takes into account several factors, including the operational challenges faced by stations in remote areas, the costs involved in establishing new stations, and the recent fluctuations in the Consumer Price Index. Distributors were recently informed of these changes, which are aimed at improving the financial viability of filling stations across the island.

However, the announcement has sparked tensions in the fuel distribution industry. A group of fuel station owners held a press conference in Colombo, claiming that their existing agreement with the CPC entitles them to an additional 3% profit per liter of fuel sold. The owners voiced concerns that the new discount scheme could undermine their profits, and emphasized their demand for the 3% profit margin to be honored.

In response, the fuel station owners declared they would not be placing new fuel orders until a resolution is reached through negotiations with the CPC. The dispute has led to public unrest, with people seen queuing at several fuel stations in protest against the station owners' demands for additional profit.

Fuel distributors and the CPC are expected to meet soon to discuss the ongoing issues and seek a resolution to avoid further disruption. The public is urged to stay informed as the situation continues to unfold.

For now, the CPC's new scheme remains in place, but the standoff between fuel station owners and the corporation could lead to further developments in the coming days.
