Election commission

Election Commission has released detailed guidelines for voters

The Election Commission has released detailed guidelines for voters participating in the upcoming presidential election.

You must have a valid ID when going to vote .

You can present any of the following valid ID cards approved by the Election Commission to vote.

1. Valid National Identity Card
2. Valid Passport
3. Valid Driving License
4. Elderly Identity Card
5. Retired Identity Card
6. Clergy Identity Card
7. Temporary Identity Card issued by Village Officer by Election Department

But definitely take this one ID card with you.

Carrying mobile phone and taking pictures inside the polling station is completely illegal as per election rules.

If you have a family member or friend who is partially or totally blind, such a person can go with a helper to use the vote.

For that, it is necessary to carry permission documents from the Village Officer and a certificate from a Government Medical Officer along with a valid ID card of the assistant to the polling station.

Even if there is no assistant, the vote can be marked by the senior polling officer in the presence of another officer.

If a family member, friend or anyone you know has a disability that prevents them from going to the polling station, it is possible to apply for transportation through the Election Commission before the election.

With more than three candidates contesting, voters will have the opportunity to mark their first preference for one candidate and indicate their second and third preferences for two additional candidates.

To cast a vote, voters should place the number 1 in the box next to the name and symbol of their preferred candidate.

They may then mark 2 and 3 for their second and third preferences, respectively.

The Commission clarified that a ballot will still be considered valid if it contains a properly marked vote for one candidate, even if the second and third preferences are not marked.

The Commission provided visual examples to illustrate the correct way to mark the ballot. It also emphasized that any mark clearly indicating the voter's intention, such as an X, will be counted as a vote for the selected candidate.

your imageHow to vote

Election Commission says that ballots would be rejected if they contain any writing or marks that could identify the voter, or if they are marked in any of the following ways:

* No vote marked for any candidate
*A vote marked for more than one candidate
*Marking 1 for one candidate and X for another
*Only the second or third preference marked without a first preference
*Preferences marked with 2 and 3 using a mark other than 1
* More votes and preferences marked than 1, 2, 3
