
Defence Minister orders security measures during upcoming election

Since the Election Commissioner announced the upcoming presidential election, State Minister of Defence, Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, instructed the country's security chiefs to ensure the security of presidential candidates, citizens, and the entire nation during this period.

The State Minister gave these instructions during the Ministerial Consultative Committee on Defence meeting in Parliament this morning (July 26). Attendees included Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, and other high-ranking officers from the Tri-Forces, Ministry of Defence officials, and heads of affiliated institutions.

The Minister emphasized that all actions should protect the Constitution and citizens' fundamental rights. He noted that the ministry had made critical decisions during the most complex period of the past two years, stabilizing the country by reaffirming national security and the rule of law.

Minister Tennakoon expressed gratitude to all parties dedicated to this cause on behalf of the President and urged the Ministry of Defence and all related institutions to continue performing their duties effectively in the future.
